LKII 2016 – San Jose, CA

Last Friday, March 11, 2016, San Jose, CA (part of San Francisco Bay Area) welcomed Ustadz DR. H. Rusli Hasbi, MA., our speaker for Latihan Kajian Islam Intensif 2016 (LKII 2016) (for West coast). Ustadz Rusli Hasbi is a well-known speaker who has studied Islam for 19 years in Indonesia and 18 years in the Middle East. Some of his teachers are Syaikh Tantawi from Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, and also Syaikh Qadarawi. Ustadz Rusli Hasbi is now a Senior Lecturer at UIN Jakarta, the Head of more than one Islamic Schools (Pondok Pesantren), and also a talented writer whose books have been published in two languages, Arabic and Indonesian.


On his visit to San Jose, CA last Friday, Ustadz Rusli Hasbi talked about how we can improve ourselves, our relationship within the family and community, our country and the ummah as a whole by following Al-Qur’an as THE Source of Guidance.


For those of you who didn’t get the chance to attend LKII 2016 in San Jose, CA, please see the full video below. We really like how engaging the session was and we hope you’ll enjoy watching the video as much as we do! (Of course, nothing beats being there yourselves, so please come to LKII 2016 (and the following years, in shaa Allah) next time we are in your area!)



Thank you for sharing your knowledge with all of us in San Jose, CA, Ustadz Rusli Hasbi. Barakallah. Our du’a for your health and the smoothness of your trip for the next sessions on the next cities and states.

We also thank brothers and sisters from Media Silaturahim South Bay (MSSB) a halaqah locality in San Jose CA that helped organized this event, especially to Brother Mike Grimes and Sister Yuli Grimes that hosted this event in their house. Jazakumullah khair.

We also would like to thank Pengajian San Francisco and Bay Area, KJRI SF and everyone from the community who gave their love and support so this event ran successfully. Jazakumullah khair.

P.S. To our readers, please “Like” ICMI North America Organization Facebook Page, follow us on Twitter @ICMI_NA_org and join our newsletter to be the first one to get notification when other videos have been uploaded.


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