Safari Ramadhan 1437H/2016 Report

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

Along with the passing of Ramadhan, our Safari Ramadhan 1437H/2016 program this year has also come to an end.

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Alhamdulillah, the program was a success. And in that regards, ICMI North America would like to thank KBRI, all KJRIs in North America, Pengajian Las Vegas, Pengajian New York, Pengajian Toronto, Ikatan Keluarga Besar Muslim Indonesia Atlanta, Pengajian Chicago, Pengajian Seattle, Pengajian Al-Ikhlas LA, Pengajian Phoenix, Pengajian San Bernardino, Pengajian Las Vegas, Pengajian San Francisco dan Bay Area, Pengajian MSSB, Pengajian Sacramento, Pengajian Vancouver, every other Pengajian / participating Indonesian muslim communities in North America (USA & Canada), everyone in ICMI North America team and every single individuals who have worked hand in hand with us in building a successful Safari Ramadhan 1437H/2016 program, and also be a part of it.

Thank YOU.

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Your contributions help the spread of our diin’s teachings, strengthening the communities by extending silaturrahim, and build better generations with stronger imaan, in shaa Allah.

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Special shout-out to KBRI and all KJRIs and all local families who allowed us the use of their facilities and welcomed us with kindness and open arms, and even treat us with delicious food for iftar and dinner; and also arrange and provide shelters and transportations for our guest speakers for the length of their visit. Thank you for your time, energy and resources. We couldn’t have done it without you.

Also, our thanks to Syeikh Ibrahim Jalaluddin Al-Yamani (Ustd. Elgreat), Ustd. Hilman Fauzi Nugraha and Bpk. Thoriq who have shared their wealth of knowledge about our diin, refresh our soul and uplift our imaan.



We hope you enjoyed the program as much as we do; and looking forward to continue working together again for the next programs to come. In shaa Allah.

May Allah SWT be bountiful in rewarding you and your families. Aamiin.

Jazakumullah khairan katsira.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb.


ICMI North America

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P.S. Above are some photo representatives of Safari Ramadhan 1437H/2016 from Indonesian community members in North America who submitted their photos to us. Thank You, everyone.


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