Safari Ramadhan 1437H/2016 in San Francisco Bay Area & Sacramento Area Report

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Alhamdulillah, Safari Ramadhan 1437H/2016 program in San Francisco Bay Area was a success. ICMI North America would like to thank KJRI SF, Pengajian San Francisco & Bay Area, Pengajian MSSB, Pengajian Sacramento & everyone from the Indonesian muslim communities in San Francisco Bay Area & Sacramento Area for their contributions… and for all of those yummy food!





Special thanks once again to KJRI SF, Bapak Konjen Ardi Hermawan & Ibu Yulina Hermawan, Ibu Yuli Grimes & family, Ibu Maya Harbott & family, Bpk. Fajar & family, Ibu Julda & family, Mr. Ade Zulfikar & family who welcomed us to use their facility for the program and allocated their time, energy and resources to be the host families for Ustd. Hilman & Bpk. Thoriq (our speaker & team) in the past few days.

Also, special thanks to Ustd. Hilman Fauzi Nugraha & Bpk Thoriq who have traveled the continent to share their wealth of knowledge about our diin with all of us.






Thank you, everyone. We couldn’t have done it without you. May Allah SWT bless all of us and reward our efforts with Jannah. Aamiin..

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We hope everyone enjoyed the program and this warm silaturrahim will thrive till the end of time. In shaa Allah. Aamiin..

Jazakumullah khairan katsira.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.




Photo credit: Ibu Maya Harbott, Bpk. Satria Santoso, Ustd. Hilman Fauzi Nugraha, members of Indonesian communities in San Francisco Bay Area & Sacramento Area, ICMI North America

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